Friday, August 26, 2016

Daily tracking. Get results!

When your diet fails, do you blame the diet?  Or you you look back to see if you may have not followed it as closely as you should have?  

I'm learned SO much in the last year.  What I've learned about myself, is that I made a lot of excuses for why I was overweight.  

-too busy
-too tired
-too fat to workout 
-it will hurt
-I have too many injuries
-my Fibromyalgia will flare up 
-diets don't work
-my metabolism is too slow
-I'll never lose weight anyway, so why try

Sound familiar?  When I really got serious about my weight loss, I realized that I CAN lose weight.  I noticed that when ALL areas of my life were "in check" was easier.  When I stop keeping track of what I'm up to, my life just feels unbalanced.  

I created a tracking system to help me stay focused.  I don't fill it out everyday...I'm not a slave to it.  But, when I NEED to get some momentum going again, you BET that I'm really looking at all the AREAS of my life.  

If you'd like access to this TRACKING SYSTEM:  Message me and I will send you the PDF file. 

Find me here:

I'd love to help you reach your goals too!  I encourage all the folks in my challenge groups to use this tracker and they have had GREAT results.  Want some results?  Contact me!!! 

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