Tuesday, April 26, 2016

To Begin Again....

I'll try to write this post without crying!  So many things have changed with me since I decided to get my life back on track, starting with my weight/health.  I feel the main thing that's changed is my desire to improve myself.  When I was drifting along, overweight and unhappy, I just didn't care.  I didn't really push myself to do anything new....to try new things.  I just existed.  I've had SEVERAL surgeries on my feet to repair a torn Achilles Tendon and bone deformities on my heels.  The recovery was NOT a fun time.  I think one of the things that held me back, for years, with my fitness was FEAR.  I was afraid that I would hurt myself and I was AFRAID to FAIL.   I was also mad at myself for getting so out of shape that "I had to start over".  I used to run 15 miles at a time, so it's quite humbling to start with running for a minute at a time.  The fear of failure, pride and anger caused me to not do anything. I just sat and got fatter and lazier.  Read my story: here

Since starting my adventure with Beachbody, I've made MANY modifications to the exercises and I've seen some great results.  I started with 1.5-5 pound weights and now I use 15 pounds on some exercises.  The secret to this is working at it slow, but being consistent.

This month I am going to start a new journey.  I am going to get back into running.  I dabbled in running last summer, but it was awkward.  I've spent the winter strength training with Hammer and Chisel.  I've built my balance and knee/ankle strength with yoga and PiYO SHOP   I have lost 25 pounds....and I feel ready.  I mostly feel ready because my mindset is strong.  I have done things in the last year I never would have dreamed possible and now running is my next challenge!

Here's how I got started!  

------>Downloaded a rocking Playlist

------>Get some APPS.  Find a good Couch to 5 K app and another app to track your distance.  I use Map My Run.  I like to challenge myself to go a little bit further every run.

------>Get some really good foot wear. If the inserts of your running shoes bend in half, they are just not good enough support.  Try taking your inserts out to see...

I like Superfeet Inserts here   I've paid hundreds of dollars for custom made orthotics and I can tell you Superfeet Inserts are comparable.   Make sure to get orthotic-friendly running shoes to put the inserts into.  I wear Brooks!  LOVE THEM.   here

Great support for your whole foot

----->Run on a soft surface.  I run on a dirt road.  Much easier on the knees, feet and ankles. 

----->Pick a day and get started.  My first day was today.  It went OK.  I'm so glad I did it!  I feel quite empowered.  This photo shows the length of run was  33 minutes.  I went a total distance of 2.31 miles...according to Map My Run.   I burned 370 calories.  My average heart rate was 156 and my maximum heart rate was 182

I'm going to be curious to see how my cardiovascular health improves over the next 2 weeks.  I'm a bit of a "numbers nerd", knowing my numbers keeps me on track.  I use the Polar F4.  BUY

Does anyone want to join me in my running journey?  Comment below!!!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Finding Your Why

Last year, my family and I went to Florida for Spring Break.  At this point, I was well over 200 pounds, and completely miserable.  I wanted to have a good time, but I felt so LIMITED because of my weight.  I was out of shape.  Exercise was a chore.  I hurt all over.  I had headaches, knee pain and foot pain.  I was LAZY.  I was flabby.  I HATED myself in my suit.  I was ASHAMED.   I was angry and bitter for "letting myself go".  When did I become the MOM that sits on the beach?  

I spent most of the trip sitting on the beach in my chair...reading...because it felt safer there.  The one day I tried to not care how I look, I put on a cute skirt and we went to an Aquarium.  I quickly realized why overweight people don't wear skirts in the Florida heat when my legs rubbed together and I got a HORRIFIC rash and lost the skin on my inner thighs.  I secretly cried in the bathroom.  I drank WAY too many Corona's.   BUT, I decided I needed a change.  A HUGE one.  

It was on that trip that my mindset began to shift.  I realized that I was NOT proud of myself.  I wanted to change that!  I wanted to become someone that I would look up to.  I wanted to be the person I always dreamed I could be.  I was READY!

The pain and disappointment of that trip became my WHY.  The reason that I kept going when it was hard.  The reason that I workout when I'm sore.  The reason I plan my meals.  The reason I quit drinking.  The reason I push myself everyday.  It's the MAIN reason I NEVER give up.  


My why isn't a number on the scale, or a certain size.  It's a feeling that I crave.  It's that sense of accomplishment that tastes WAY better than junk food.  It's the feeling of knowing that others are looking up to me.  It's knowing I'm a good example to my children.   

Mommy and Daughter PiYO

What's your WHY?  

Need help to find your WHY?  Contact me!  I love to get people started on a healthier life path :) 

God Bless!  

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Ending Meal Prep Madness

Image Credit: Beachbody.com
When I first got started trying to eat better, I came across many website that offered weekly meal planning and prepping ideas.  I tried to plan the whole week, but quickly lost interest, for two main reasons.  

1:  It was just too time consuming.  I found the whole idea of planning every bite that I was going to eat--TEDIOUS and not enjoyable AT ALL.  

2:  I didn't like the way the food tasted at the end of the week.  I liked my food "fresher". 

So, I began to play around with meal planning and finding ways to plan ahead, but still have some flexibility.    What I found to work FOR ME....is to loosely plan 3 days at a time.  I'd rather go to the grocery store twice in a week.  

Since I always have a Superfood shake for breakfast, I only have to plan for 3 lunches and 3 dinners.  I rarely snack between meals because I like to feel "full" after a meal...and it's less hassle!  

If I am going to work several days in a row, I will plan a lunch that I will really enjoy.  Then I prep three lunches, and have them ready in the fridge.  It's just easier to get my lunch all set, and ready to go in separate containers.  When you cook your own food, you know what's in it, and can easily calculate the calories in the meal.

 Sometimes, made a soup I will enjoy, or plan for a Chicken Taco Salad. I love being able to try new recipes out this way, it's a great way to experiment with healthy cooking, before trying it out on the kids.  

THE PLAN:  Make an extra meal to eat for lunches while you are cooking another meal and have lunch ready for 3 days!  Saves time, and money having a GREAT LUNCH ready to go! 

I get most of my lunch ideas from the Skinny Taste Cookbook and Website: here 

This gal at Organize Yourself Skinny also has some great lunch ideas: here

Happy Cooking!!!

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