Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Finding Your Why

Last year, my family and I went to Florida for Spring Break.  At this point, I was well over 200 pounds, and completely miserable.  I wanted to have a good time, but I felt so LIMITED because of my weight.  I was out of shape.  Exercise was a chore.  I hurt all over.  I had headaches, knee pain and foot pain.  I was LAZY.  I was flabby.  I HATED myself in my suit.  I was ASHAMED.   I was angry and bitter for "letting myself go".  When did I become the MOM that sits on the beach?  

I spent most of the trip sitting on the beach in my chair...reading...because it felt safer there.  The one day I tried to not care how I look, I put on a cute skirt and we went to an Aquarium.  I quickly realized why overweight people don't wear skirts in the Florida heat when my legs rubbed together and I got a HORRIFIC rash and lost the skin on my inner thighs.  I secretly cried in the bathroom.  I drank WAY too many Corona's.   BUT, I decided I needed a change.  A HUGE one.  

It was on that trip that my mindset began to shift.  I realized that I was NOT proud of myself.  I wanted to change that!  I wanted to become someone that I would look up to.  I wanted to be the person I always dreamed I could be.  I was READY!

The pain and disappointment of that trip became my WHY.  The reason that I kept going when it was hard.  The reason that I workout when I'm sore.  The reason I plan my meals.  The reason I quit drinking.  The reason I push myself everyday.  It's the MAIN reason I NEVER give up.  


My why isn't a number on the scale, or a certain size.  It's a feeling that I crave.  It's that sense of accomplishment that tastes WAY better than junk food.  It's the feeling of knowing that others are looking up to me.  It's knowing I'm a good example to my children.   

Mommy and Daughter PiYO

What's your WHY?  

Need help to find your WHY?  Contact me!  I love to get people started on a healthier life path :) 

God Bless!  

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