Thursday, November 3, 2016

Don't cheat yourself! Exercise :)

Lots of screws in my ankle! 

Early in September, I had a pretty severe accident.  Not with a car, or even a bike.  I tripped.  Simply tripped.  Yes, there was a little wine involved, but also my seriously uncoordinated ways, flip flops, wet grass, darkness, and an unfamiliar yard.   When I tripped I twisted my ankle, and fell onto it...causing  fractures in 3 different areas, with torn tendons and ligaments.   At the Emergency Department I was told that I would need to have extensive surgery to repair the damage.  Great.  I was just getting serious about losing the last 20-30 pounds.  Now what?  Sitting around for months....recovering.

Ten days after the fall, I had surgery.  It was outpatient, but still extensive, and VERY painful.  I went home the same day, only to return the next day to get my cast cut open.  The severe swelling in my leg had cause the circulation to be cut off and extreme pain!  I took my pain medications and slept a lot the first week. It was very hard the first few days because putting my leg down made the pain a million times worse.   But, I slowly began to feel less pain.

After 2 weeks, I was fitted with a removable cast and the stitches were removed.  The cast irritated the incision and caused and infection.   After several days of antibiotics, the wound looked much better.  I was recovering...just not as fast as I'd like to.

I'd say BY FAR the hardest part of this whole experience has been not being able to hike with my dogs.  To get outside, in the fresh air and just walk.  To be able to clear by mind.  But.... No exercise.  No getting my HAPPY ENDORPHINS moving through exercise.  Just sitting in a chair.  Laying on the bed, or wheeling around in a wheelchair.   Wishing, I could just go out in the cool fall air for a walk, or lift my hand weights and feel strong.  I have literally broken down and cried  

It's been so depressing.  If there is one thing that I've learned through all of's that I absolutely LOVE to exercise.  I love the way it makes me feel.  I love sore muscles.  I love stretching and moving and sweating till I feel amazing!  Exercise is an treasure and should NOT be avoided.   If you are not exercising-- you are cheating yourself...seriously!


As of today, I am able to partially bear weight on my leg.  MD feels I am healing well after such a terrible break and extensive surgery!  I start therapy on Monday to regain movement and strength in my ankle.   I should be nearly 100% in 4-6 weeks.  Through VERY CAREFUL calorie counting and clean eating, I've actually lost 3 pounds during my recovery.

MY PLANS for the next 6 weeks:

Physical Therapy at the clinic and following the prescribed at home program,

Walking in a pool, then progressing to lap swimming (when allowed)

AND probably most importantly--completing the Ultimate Reset--A 21 Day program designed to help you Reset and Detoxify your body! (more on this soon)

I am so grateful to my family and friends who have helped me on this journey.  They have provided meal, ride, cleaning and company.  I can never thank you enough!  



  1. This is Lola from twin body!!! Can't wait to see you bounce back in 6weeks like you never left. Prayer for an easy comeback!

  2. Oh My! Thanks Lola! I appreciate the prayers :)


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