Monday, January 25, 2016


When I finally decided that enough was enough, I happened to hear someone say...."CHOOSE YOUR HARD". 

Those words ring in my ears often.  What was hard about being overweight.....ummm....let's see.  Clothes don't fit.  Going to the beach.  Can't breathe when you bend over.  Being so out of shape that you can't do what you dream of doing.  The list can go on and on.   

I had every excuse in the book of why I couldn't lose weight.   

Some of my favorite excuses that I held onto for years---

slow metabolism 
too expensive
no time to workout 
I'll fail anyway
too much work to plan meals 
no support 

When it all comes down to it.  I decided to CHOOSE MY HARD.  I'd rather give up TV time, so I can workout and feel strong.  Now it's easier to breath when I bend over, so I'm glad that I bought that fitness program and found some time to do it.  I will look forward to beach weather now because it actually isn't THAT hard to find 30 minutes to get good and sweaty.  

It all comes down to the CHOICE.   

Only you can make that choice.  

What do you decide?  


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