Monday, March 21, 2016


Why did I become a Beachbody Coach? 

At first, I signed up for the killer discount available to coaches, but I quickly became very passionate about the products and programs...because they work!  I also soon learned that the online Beachbody community was a powerful accountability tool.  I began to look forward to working out so I could share my success with my "cyber friends"!  

Being involved with Beachbody has helped me shed weight from my body, but more importantly, it's helped me find my voice and my self-confidence.  After years of living in depression and despair--I feel alive again.  I'm excited about the future.  I'm so passionate about helping others now!  I love to get other people excited about improving their health and spiritual lives.  I never thought I would find the part of myself that loves to give to others. But, she BACK and better than ever! 

I know there are people out there...just like me...who feel stuck in time, but don't know how to move forward.  I encourage you to take the first step.  Reach out for help! I'll help you in any way I can.  Try something new!  


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