Thursday, November 3, 2016

Don't cheat yourself! Exercise :)

Lots of screws in my ankle! 

Early in September, I had a pretty severe accident.  Not with a car, or even a bike.  I tripped.  Simply tripped.  Yes, there was a little wine involved, but also my seriously uncoordinated ways, flip flops, wet grass, darkness, and an unfamiliar yard.   When I tripped I twisted my ankle, and fell onto it...causing  fractures in 3 different areas, with torn tendons and ligaments.   At the Emergency Department I was told that I would need to have extensive surgery to repair the damage.  Great.  I was just getting serious about losing the last 20-30 pounds.  Now what?  Sitting around for months....recovering.

Ten days after the fall, I had surgery.  It was outpatient, but still extensive, and VERY painful.  I went home the same day, only to return the next day to get my cast cut open.  The severe swelling in my leg had cause the circulation to be cut off and extreme pain!  I took my pain medications and slept a lot the first week. It was very hard the first few days because putting my leg down made the pain a million times worse.   But, I slowly began to feel less pain.

After 2 weeks, I was fitted with a removable cast and the stitches were removed.  The cast irritated the incision and caused and infection.   After several days of antibiotics, the wound looked much better.  I was recovering...just not as fast as I'd like to.

I'd say BY FAR the hardest part of this whole experience has been not being able to hike with my dogs.  To get outside, in the fresh air and just walk.  To be able to clear by mind.  But.... No exercise.  No getting my HAPPY ENDORPHINS moving through exercise.  Just sitting in a chair.  Laying on the bed, or wheeling around in a wheelchair.   Wishing, I could just go out in the cool fall air for a walk, or lift my hand weights and feel strong.  I have literally broken down and cried  

It's been so depressing.  If there is one thing that I've learned through all of's that I absolutely LOVE to exercise.  I love the way it makes me feel.  I love sore muscles.  I love stretching and moving and sweating till I feel amazing!  Exercise is an treasure and should NOT be avoided.   If you are not exercising-- you are cheating yourself...seriously!


As of today, I am able to partially bear weight on my leg.  MD feels I am healing well after such a terrible break and extensive surgery!  I start therapy on Monday to regain movement and strength in my ankle.   I should be nearly 100% in 4-6 weeks.  Through VERY CAREFUL calorie counting and clean eating, I've actually lost 3 pounds during my recovery.

MY PLANS for the next 6 weeks:

Physical Therapy at the clinic and following the prescribed at home program,

Walking in a pool, then progressing to lap swimming (when allowed)

AND probably most importantly--completing the Ultimate Reset--A 21 Day program designed to help you Reset and Detoxify your body! (more on this soon)

I am so grateful to my family and friends who have helped me on this journey.  They have provided meal, ride, cleaning and company.  I can never thank you enough!  


Friday, August 26, 2016

Daily tracking. Get results!

When your diet fails, do you blame the diet?  Or you you look back to see if you may have not followed it as closely as you should have?  

I'm learned SO much in the last year.  What I've learned about myself, is that I made a lot of excuses for why I was overweight.  

-too busy
-too tired
-too fat to workout 
-it will hurt
-I have too many injuries
-my Fibromyalgia will flare up 
-diets don't work
-my metabolism is too slow
-I'll never lose weight anyway, so why try

Sound familiar?  When I really got serious about my weight loss, I realized that I CAN lose weight.  I noticed that when ALL areas of my life were "in check" was easier.  When I stop keeping track of what I'm up to, my life just feels unbalanced.  

I created a tracking system to help me stay focused.  I don't fill it out everyday...I'm not a slave to it.  But, when I NEED to get some momentum going again, you BET that I'm really looking at all the AREAS of my life.  

If you'd like access to this TRACKING SYSTEM:  Message me and I will send you the PDF file. 

Find me here:

I'd love to help you reach your goals too!  I encourage all the folks in my challenge groups to use this tracker and they have had GREAT results.  Want some results?  Contact me!!! 


Tuesday, June 21, 2016

TOP 10 Tips for living with Chronic Illness

I'd have to say the hardest thing to adjust to when you have chronic healthy issues, is never knowing how you are going to feel on any given day.  Some days, you feel GREAT!  You begin to wonder if you were just imagining all your symptoms cause they just mysteriously disappear.
So, you get into the business of enjoying your life and overdo it a little.  Then, wake up and feel like you were hit by a truck!  It's so frustrating.  It's so hard to deal with when you have places to go, things to do, a family to care for...a job!  
I'm learning everyday how to manage my illness better.  Some days, I just can't workout.  But, if I can't get my workout in...I focus on trying to eat really, good, wholesome foods.  Eating better has been a huge focus of finding balance in my life.   I'm really trying to work on NOT soothing myself with food when I feel yucky.  

1:  Stick to a routine-- Stay as close to your bedtime/wake time as possible.  Try to not vary your daily schedule too much.  

2:  Sleep-- I try to be sleeping 7-8 hours per night.  I actually try to be at "REST" 10 hours per day.  At the end of a busy day, I read, or watch a movie before I go to bed. 

3:   Avoid JUNK foods--Everyone has heard of "clean eating".  I feel it's especially important if you have health issues.  I NEVER eat "diet" foods.  Such as, light or reduced fat.  No diet soda.  I stick with simple whole foods with very few ingredients.   

4:  Exercise--No one wants to hear that they need to exercise when they feel like crap, helps!  Start slow.  Build up.  It boosts your mood.  It loosens your muscles.  Start with walking and stretching your body!  Tight muscles hurt more.  Exercise is just a non-negotiable if you want to fight your illness.  Find something that works for you! 

5:  Posture--Work on your posture.  A lot of ill people spend MUCH time laying down.  This causes poor posture and poor posture causes neck strain, headache and permanent neck/back damage.  Building up your back muscles and core will help you feel WAY better!

6:   Give Back--This is quite hard at times.  But, finding a way to help others keeps you from getting self-absorbed.  It's sooooo super easy just to focus on how crappy you feel and forget about the rest of the world.   But, this is a trap.  It causes depression.  Find a way to life someone else's spirits EVERY day.  There is always something you can do to LOVE on someone else!  Becoming a wellness coach has been a great outlet for me to help while I sit on my couch!  

7:  Lower your standards--I used to be a bit of a clean freak.  But, when I got sick...I just couldn't keep up with my old cleaning schedule.  It was just too much.  Things may be a little dustier, but if I have extra energy...I'm going to do something FUN not clean!  Some things just need to be let go of.  Lower your expectations on yourself.  You don't need all that pressure!  

8:  Practice Self-Care--Learn how to care for yourself.  When you are ill, you NEED to take care of you.  It's the only way to thrive.  When you avoid caring for your basic needs, it will hit you like a TON of bricks.  Take that bath.  Get a massage.  Take a nap.  Make the special recipe only you will enjoy.  Realize you are worth it.  Find a way to care for yourself EVERY day!  It makes a huge difference when you are not running on fumes. 

9:  Become an expert at DELEGATING--Along with lowering your standards comes...asking for help.  Getting your family and friends involved with big projects.  Assign chores daily to others in your family.  Don't try to do it all!  

10:  Get comfortable with SAYING NO--This is probably the hardest one.  I hate to disappoint people.  I don't like if people are mad at me.  But, you just can't do it all!  If it will interfere with your rest or you are not feeling well....JUST SAY NO!  I will often times make tentative plans, just in case I'm not feeling up to it!  People who don't have health issues will NOT understand this, but stick with what you need.  They will get over it :)  

Please contact me if you have any questions!  I am an open book.  
God Bless--Karen

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

June 30 Day Push Challenge

It's that time again!  I'm offering another round of Chalene Johnson's 30 Day PUSH Challenge.  

What is it?  Watch this video and see.....WATCH

It's a completely FREE.  It's all ONLINE.  When you get signed up through Chalene's Website, you will get a daily email with a video and some instructions to follow.  Each day will build on the previous day and by the end of 30 days you will be more organized, more productive, waste less time, and have some CONCRETE direction for your life.  

I help guide people through the process and hold them accountable to the daily activities and provide motivation to KEEP GOING!!! 

Sound good to you?  Sign up here to receive Chalene's Daily email and video:   HERE

After that, click  HERE  to join my PRIVATE Facebook group!  

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Disordered Eating

For years, I just couldn't figure out "what was wrong with me?".   I would have periods where I was really "strict" with my diet and loose a bunch of weight, but it was short lived.  I would then have times where I would eat TONS of food, usually unhealthy, greasy, sweets...and lot's of them.  My weight was constantly fluctuating, up and down.  

I never realized that there were other people that had similar problems, until I got involved in the VAST Beachbody Community!  I realized that I wasn't alone.  I realized that I had a form of "Disordered Eating".  That it was something I could overcome and that I didn't have to be "all over the place"....forever.  Hence my journey to find balance.   I AM SEEKING HEALTHY BALANCE.  In my eating, my exercising and most of all,  the way I treat myself.  

In 2013, Binge Eating Disorder was added to the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5).   Read this description of Binge Eating Disorder.  Can you relate? 

I'm on a mission to LEARN how to eat normally.  To not use food to soothe myself.  I begin again is a challenge.  Finding new ways of doing things is NOT EASY, but so worth it!  This week I am starting a new chapter in my journey.  I am involved in a secret, private group on Facebook where we are discussing this book.  I'm going to give it my ALL.   I want to be in a better place.  Anyone want to join me????  Contact me and we can be on a journey together.

 If you have a more serious Eating Disorder, such as Bulimia or Anorexia...please contact a Health Professional. 

Monday, May 30, 2016

Setting month goals

Every month, I look back at the previous month and see where I can make improvement.  If I didn't meet my goals, I make it my mission to figure out WHY and fix it for the next month!   Seems too simple, but it works.

 I also work hard to set goals that are a challenge, but not impossible.  Then, I break down that goal and figure out the DAILY BEHAVIORS that will need to be done to get to that goal.

For example:

This month I would like to lose 10 pounds.

I plan to:

1--Complete a round of the 21 Day FIX

2--Track all my meals and eat according to the 21 Day FIX meal plan

3--ONLY one "spluge meal" per week.   (I usually allow a little more wiggle room, but I am pushing to get the last 20 pounds off)

4--Put the scale away (it will be locked away in the gun safe)

5--Stay fully committed and engaged in my Virtual Fitness Challenge Group

So, there you have it!  Help keep me on track people!

I made a little video describing my goals for this month and a little more of my story:

Monday, May 16, 2016

Getting back into Running---UPDATE

I'm officially half-way through the Couch to 5k training program.  I am sure glad I have everyone rooting for me because I may have quit otherwise.  Wanna meet a big goal?  Make your goal public! 

Consistency pays off

I have been able to skip one day a week because I did have quite a bit more cardio endurance than I thought!  Thank you--Hammer and Chisel, 21 Day Fix and snowshoeing!  

I would have to say it's been hard.  It's been humbling, but I feel that I'm making some amazing progress!  

--more endurance
--less sore
--able to run 5 minutes straight now
--form is better
--running faster
--hills are easier
--heart rate is staying lower
--not breathing as hard 
--starting to enjoy it more now

Push myself harder every run! 

I've shaved more than 10 minutes off my 3 mile time. It's really boosted my confidence.  I kinda feel my inner athlete being reborn!  Watch out world :D  

Happy Running! 

Crazy dog!  Not even tired! 

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