Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Growing in Discipline

A key, key, key part of my success on my fitness journey has been transforming my mindset.  I have always struggled with overeating and making poor food choices.  One day, I was wondering why I was so successful as a mom, wife, student, nurse and a complete failure at taking care of my body.  

 I realized that it's not that I'm lacking anything, it's just that I haven't CONSISTENTLY tried.  I haven't put the effort in.  I didn't educate myself about nutrition, exercise, and self-discipline. I had not sought out support.  I didn't put the time into myself that I was putting into ALL other areas in my life.  

 I knew I didn't have any goals.  Having no goals means that you aren't going to get anywhere.  I stopped what I was doing I put a plan together!   I can't say it's always been easy, but it's all been worth it.  I feel mentally stronger than I have in years. 

A couple of my favorite books right now are.... 

1: The Huger Fix: Learning about food addiction is critical if you are struggling with your weight.  Food addiction is a medically proven condition.  

2: The Power of Self-Discipline:  This old dog is learning some new skills!  Yes, you can develop self-discipline in any area of life.  Just have to get educated and TRY!  
Learn to lose your excuses!

Need extra support?  Contact me!  Thanks for reading--Karen


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